This week…

It’s been another crazy week full of appointments. I got some bronchoscopy results from last week and I can happily report that I did not grow any bacteria that should not be there. That’s a good sign and it means that I don’t have any infection in my lungs. Unfortunately, it did show some signs of rejection and they tell me but that’s normal; apparently at the beginning, you’re more likely to show signs of rejection because your body is adjusting to the new lungs and it’s recognizing that it is a foreign body. 20161109_102931The treatment for rejection is to go for 3 days of IV steroids and I did that on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (today) and that will be followed by a tapered dose of steroids in pill form for the next 10 days. Then a week after I finish the tapered dose I’ll go for another bronchoscopy to see if the rejection has lessened. I’ve been going for the IV steroids back at UPMC, and come home to things like OT and PT. Today I came home to my home infusion of gamma globulin which helps protect my immune system by giving me antibodies to fight infection should I be exposed to any.


20161109_131328-1On Wednesdays I fill my pill box for the week and I take a gazillion pills to start with; adding in the extra pills for my taper of steroids was crazy (the first day it’s 10 pills and the next day 9 and so on). One of the hardest things is getting used to all the pills.

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to speak with my doctor from back home, Dr. David Wertheim (my allergist / immunologist). Since I’ve gotten sick and haven’t really been seeing him (I started seeing a critical care doc/pulmonologist instead and then I moved to Pittsburgh), he generally calls around Rosh Hashanah time to wish me a happy New Year but I was in the hospital this year and we didn’t get a chance to talk then. He’s such an amazing doctor (sees pediatric and adult patients) and the fact that he still checks on me after 3 years, goes to show what an amazing person he is (highly recommend; he’s in Lake Success, NY and affiliated with LIJ). I’ve been very lucky with my medical team both in New York and here in Pittsburgh and I’m thankful for that.

  1. Here’s a few more things I’m thankful for on this Thankful Thursday:


  1. That my state senator and my congresswoman got reelected
  2. That when I need to take a break during OT or PT it isn’t because I can’t breathe (my breathing is great and so is my heart rate); breaks are sometimes needed simply because I’m still rebuilding my muscles that I lost from mostly lying in a bed for 10 months.
  3. That my cousin Lauren sent me the most awesome (totally me) visual food pun artwork
  4. That my cousin Jackie (who is about to get married, and whose wedding Mom and I will unfortunately be missing) took the time to email back and alleviate some food concerns I had (it’s good to have a dietician in the family)


  1. Thankful that today is the last day of having to take Mer to the hospital  (outpatient) so that she can get her IV anti-rejection meds
  2. That the sun is shining brightly
  3. For the beauty of the autumn leaves
  4. Rabbi Heimer


5 thoughts on “This week…

  1. So glad to hear that there are no signs of infection; and continue praying that the “rejection” has been nipped in the bud by the steroids. B”H, you have such an excellent team taking good care of you. Always know that you and your mom are in my daily teffilot and tehillim. Yes, the sun is shining and warm, giving us much to be grateful for. Wishing you continued good health and a shabbat shalom.

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