Super Thankful Thursday

large_happy-thanksgiving-titleMeri’s Thankful Thursday:turkeys

  1. chocolate turkeys from T&J (and the inspirational card)
  2. Peanut butter M&Ms
  3. My fantastic home health team: RN, OT, PT, & Aide
  4. E-books from the library (no germs!)
  5. that I’ve been oxygen-free for more than a month
  6. the best friends a girl could ask for
  7. that I had as much time with my dad as I did (though I would’ve loved more)
  8. for all the people who comment on my blog
  9. that my Aide taught me the trick to getting the compression stockings on (here’s to hoping the swelling in my feet and ankles will go away soon!)
  10. that I have Scott and Estee just a phone call away every day…and that my nephew and nieces get on the phone and actively talk to me (maybe Sheva will learn soon not to accidently hang up on me when its her turn)
  11. all the people who continue to pray for me, as I continue on my road to recovery
  12. Mom, who does so much for me…especially scrubbing all the fruits and veggies so that I can eat them (post-transplant food rules)
  13. Terry & Rick and Rivky, who show me that their are ups and downs post-transplant but we can survive them and flourish
  14. and most obviously, I’m thankful for my donor, without whom I wouldn’t be here today

Thanksgiving Contest - What Are You Thankful For?

please comment and tell us what you’re thankful for today!


12 thoughts on “Super Thankful Thursday

  1. Dear Meredith,
    Happy Thanksgiving! As I read your blog each week, I am newly in awe of both your spirit and amazing attitude as well as your wonderful progress. As you state correctly, there are ups and downs, but you seem to zero in on all that is important, and your ability to do so, no doubt is helping to do as well as you are doing thus far. I continue to daven for you each day, as do all of the people who are committed to your full recovery. I am in awe of your wonderful mom, who as you say, makes sure that everything possible is done, to keep you infection free and stronger each and every day. I, for one, am grateful for our tefillos being answered on your behalf. May you continue to go from strength to strength. May Hashem watch over you and bring about your full recovery. Keep smiling! Enjoy this special day!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful that you are home and feeling better. Thankful for your donor & mine. Thankful for the strength and courage it took their families. God bless them.
    About the swelling in your feet. Have someone buy you a special ledge pillow. Used to only be available at medical supply store but I think Bef bath & beyond sells one. Your legs need to be higher than your heart. Had same problem had over 40 pounds of water in legs water pills didn’t help only the ledge pillow. Good luck not only Uncomfortablebut painful. Continued good health. Transplant is a journey very different than any other surgery. Ups & downs. Hoping you only have ups. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Thankful that you are home and doing well. Thankful for your weekly email reminders that we all should focus on the positive in life! You set a great example! Wishing you continued health.
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  4. Happy thanksgiving. Thankful that you are doing so well. Continue to make great strides! We all look forward to your thankful Thursday posts. Send regards to your amazing mom.

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